Choose from 5 options:
For introductions of low-risk flavour or fragrance blends, you’ll need to keep certain records and provide them within 20 working days if we ask for them.
Before you read this page’s content, make sure you’ve already read and understood the information on our record-keeping overview page.
Your record-keeping obligations depend on which scenario applies to your low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introduction:
If your introduction meets scenario 1 criteria at step 3.2 of the categorisation guide, the following record keeping obligations apply.
Records to demonstrate the total volume you have introduced in a registration year of either A or B:
We’ll accept shipping documents for imported products and any associated calculations.
Information to demonstrate concentration crtiterion met
We’ll accept information on maximum concentration in documents from your supplier or in product information sheets/labels.
You will need all the following records.
your chemical isn’t listed on the Inventory with conditions of introduction or use that will be contravened
We'll accept a signed and dated declaration that these checks took place.
*unless it is introduced solely for use in research or analysis and the amount that you introduce in a registration year does not exceed 100kg.
you provided the information specified below (‘specified information’) before your chemical was introduced.
We’ll accept a dated record of this.
If your introduction meets scenario 1 criteria at step 3.2 of the categorisation guide, the following record keeping obligations apply.
Records to demonstrate one of the following (either A or B):
We’ll accept SDS, technical data sheets, shipping documents for imported products and any associated calculations.
You will need all the following records.
your chemical isn’t listed on the Inventory with conditions of introduction or use that will be contravened
We'll accept a signed and dated declaration that these checks took place.
*unless it is introduced solely for use in research or analysis and the amount that you introduce in a registration year does not exceed 100kg.
Records to demonstrate one of the following (either A or B):
We’ll accept a dated record of this or information in an email from your supplier.
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