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Thank you for your feedback to our public consultation on changes to the AICIS Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines for 2025. Our summary of the consultation outcome includes feedback we received and our responses.
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We have revised the ‘Step 0: Introductions that are categorised as listed’ page of the online Categorisation Guide to make it clearer and easier to follow.
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The information in assessment statements include chemical identity details, the scope of the assessment, hazard information and a summary of the risk to human health and the environment from the introduction and use of that chemical.
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We have updated the names of the following chemicals in the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC) to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) name.
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From 1 September 2024, AICIS fees and charges to industrial chemical introducers will change, along with introduction value thresholds across most registration levels.
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