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An obligation to provide specific information to AICIS will be added to the terms of listing for phosphoric acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phenyl ester on the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (Inventory).
AICIS completed an evaluation under Part 4 of the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 (IC Act). AICIS published its final evaluation statement on 28 June 2024, following public consultation.
For the reasons set out in page 8 paragraph 2 of the conclusions section of the evaluation statement, the Executive Director of AICIS concluded that a variation to the Inventory terms of listing for the chemical is necessary to manage the risks from the introduction of the chemical.
View the evaluation statement:
Therefore, the Executive Director is varying the terms of listing for the chemical on the Inventory under section 86 of the IC Act.
CAS number | 16368-97-1 |
Chemical name | Phosphoric acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phenyl ester |
Molecular formula | C 22H39O4P |
Specific information requirements as varied | Obligations to provide information apply. You must tell the Executive Director the volume of introduction, use and end use of the chemical within 20 working days if:
Date variation will take effect | 6 September 2024 |