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Help and guides
How to categorise your chemical introduction
Our 'Guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture' (Categorisation Guide) is essential for all registrants and industrial chemical introducers
Find answers to our top enquiries here and save time.
Learn about the basics of getting started - all the must know information.
Self-guided tools to help you categorise your introduction
More resources and tools to help businesses to categorise their chemical importation or manufacture
Use this list to check if your chemical has hazards in the highest human and environment hazard bands.
Declarations, reports and records you need to submit or keep after you have categorised your introduction as listed, exempted or reported or assessed.
PLC is a polymer that meet our criteria for low concern to human health and the environment
Self-guided tool to help you work out if your polymer meets our PLC criteria.
There is a streamlined way to categorise introductions of chemicals that have been assessed overseas.
Guide on how to validate your IUCLID6 dossier to meet Australian information requirements
Descriptions of information waivers and justifications you can request when applying for an assessment certificate.
We describe the read-across method here, and how you can work out if your read-across information is suitable to work out your chemical's human health and environmental hazard characteristics.
What you need to tell us when you apply for an assessment certificate so we can set a defined scope of assessment, includes examples and CBI information.
Informative videos on a range of key topics
We don't set or enforce labelling requirements, safety data sheets (SDS) or packaging requirements in Australia - but these links may help businesses meet their obligations.
If you need to submit any non-English documents or information to us, you must also provide an English translation from an approved or accredited translator.
Our glossary defines the terms we use.
Last updated