You are here Home Help and guides Validate your IUCLID dossier to meet Australian requirements Print Validate your IUCLID dossier to meet Australian requirements Guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture Decision tools to help you categorise your chemical importation or manufacture Guide to categorising internationally assessed introductions Pre-introduction report - highest indicative risk is low risk Evaluations Roadmap Pre-introduction report: introductions of 10 kg or less Pre-Introduction Report: internationally-assessed for human health and the environment Pre-introduction report: internationally-assessed for human health only Pre-introduction report: internationally-assessed for the environment only Cost Recovery Implementation Statement 2023-2024 2024-25 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) Last updated 28 January 2021 Guidance on validating the chemical dataset when submitting it in the business portal [PDF 362 KB].pdf Guidance on validating the chemical dataset in IUCLID6 [PDF 828 KB].pdf For questions, please contact us.
Guidance on validating the chemical dataset when submitting it in the business portal [PDF 362 KB].pdf
Information waivers for assessment certificate applications Descriptions of information waivers and justifications you can request when applying for an assessment certificate.