Cost recovery involves government entities charging individuals or non-government organisations some or all of the efficient costs of undertaking specific government activities.
The policy authority that enables AICIS to fully cost recover the cost of activities was provided for in the 1994-95 Budget. Three Acts provide the statutory basis for the registration charge to be based on annual introduction value.
The cost recovery model includes our regulatory activities, regulatory outputs and design of regulatory charges, costs of the regulatory charging activity, and how we'll align regulatory effort to fees for services and the regulatory charge (levy)
AICISβ activities are cost recovered from industry except for a modest amount of appropriation funding in the form of an interest equivalency payment from interest earned on funds held in the Industrial Chemicals Special Account.
AICIS reports its non-financial performance for 2022-23 against criteria included in the 2022-23 Health Portfolio Budget Statements in the Department of Health Annual Report.
In accordance with the Charging Framework, stakeholder feedback will be sought on this draft 2023-24 CRIS and a Charging Risk Assessment (CRA) has been undertaken that considered the future operating environment.
The schedule of fees and charges was developed to align with the Charging Framework and recover the costs of AICIS activities for 2023-24. The fees and charges apply to introducers of industrial chemicals.
The key forward dates and events so far include the next scheduled update to the 2024-25 CRIS. The CRIS approval and change register includes certification and approval of the CRIS.
The charge for any specific regulatory output should recover the full efficient cost of delivering that specific service. This section outlines the methodology used to cost one such regulatory output.