Choose from 5 options:
Descriptions of information waivers and justifications you can request when applying for an assessment certificate.
Anyone who wishes to submit a certificate application is required to provide information related to their chemical. This guidance is to assist anyone planning to submit an assessment certificate application in understanding when it is appropriate to request an information waiver and justifications that we would accept.
Information waiving refers to omitting certain required information about the chemical in a certificate application.
When applying for an assessment certificate, you need to provide information on the:
of the chemical you wish to introduce. We need this information for risk assessment of your chemical. The type of information you’ll need to give us depends on your application type. If requesting an information waiver on certain properties or endpoints, you will need to provide a reason or justification for not submitting the required information about your chemical. You can choose a justification from the lists below (see 'Information waiver justifications in IUCLID6' and 'Information justifications not in IUCLID6' below). Alternatively, you can provide your own justification.
Please note for specified class of introductions, the information requirements may override the information waivers in this guidance.
When we assess an application, we will consider all available information from:
Any information you provide must also comply with our policy on animal test data.
Find out more about animal test data
We recommend that you first search for any existing information before looking to commission a study.
You can request an information waiver in the certificate application form or in IUCLID6.
The IUCLID6 software (used for assessment certificate applications) has built-in information waiver and justification options you can choose when applying. Your information waiver options include:
If the first 4 options do not apply, you can choose the “Other justification” option. This will allow you to type in your own justification. We may request further information from you if required.
See the most used information waivers for each endpoint, and their built-in justifications from IUCLID6 below. To ensure we align with international best practise, we have adopted many of the information waiver justifications a number of OECD member countries use.
Click here to skip this list and go to information waivers justifications not in IUCLID6.
Where the justification you wish to use is not in IUCLID6, you can also check our 'Information waiver justifications not in IUCLID6' list. You can use one of the justifications on this list for us to consider in your certificate application.
For information waiver justifications not included in IUCLID6, choose the “Other justification” option and input the justification in the free text box.
We will also consider justifications that are not in our list or built into IUCLID. We may request further information if required.
Check the following:
A waiver can be applied for if your chemical:
AICIS will not require information if your chemical:
AICIS will not require information if your chemical:
* Information required on either acute oral, dermal or inhalation toxicity
** Acute dermal or acute inhalation toxicity only