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This guide explains what you need to tell us when you apply for an assessment certificate so we can set a defined scope of assessment, and explains your options for protecting your confidential business information.
What is a defined scope of assessment?
When we assess a chemical introduction and issue an assessment certificate, we include a ‘defined scope of assessment’ as one of the terms of the assessment certificate. It is a legal obligation for certificate holders to introduce a chemical within the defined scope of assessment. The defined scope of assessment is published in the assessment statement that is available on our website when our assessment is complete.
When the chemical is listed on the Inventory 5 years after the issue of the certificate (or earlier if an early listing application is made), then the defined scope of assessment becomes a term of the Inventory listing for that chemical.
We set a defined scope of assessment based on the information you give us and on the outcome of our risk assessment.
When we are working out a defined scope of assessment we look at the information you tell us
as well as
Because we publish the defined scope of assessment on our website, we ask you to identify information which may be commercially sensitive and that you don’t want published. In the assessment certificate application, you will be asked questions about whether you want to protect information as confidential business information or flag information as confidential.
As we may often publish this information, you can apply for protection of end use as confidential business information (CBI). This is a formal application with a separate fee and you must meet a statutory test. If we approve your application, we won’t publish the specific end use but will publish generalised information about the type of use.
Find out how to apply for protection of specific end use as CBI
When applying, to help us set a defined scope of assessment, you must provide suggested information for publication about your chemical’s purity (%), volume (tonnes of chemical introduced each year), concentration (%) and end use concentration (%). This could be the same as the exact information in the Chemical Dossier of your application or generalised information if you are flagging the exact information as CBI. There is no fee to flag information as CBI.
Learn more about flagging information as CBI
We’ll use the suggested information for publication as the basis of our risk assessment. However, if this generalised information results in a different conclusion on the risks of your introduction compared with exact information, we may have reason to publish the specific data.
In this situation, because you’ve flagged the information as confidential, we must notify you of our intention to publish. At this point, you’ll have the opportunity to apply for the information to be protected as CBI. You will have to provide evidence and reasons to meet our statutory test for protection of CBI. If we approve your application, we will not publish the specific information.
Use and end use information
Hazard characteristics
Our risk assessment conclusions and risk management recommendations
Uncertainties in assessments
Based on the information available, the defined scope of assessment may be determined as:
The chemical has been assessed
In this case, you
Use and end use information
Hazard characteristics
Our risk assessment conclusions and risk management recommendations
Uncertainties in assessments
The defined scope of assessment may be generated as:
This chemical has been assessed
In this case, you
Use and end use information
Hazard characteristics
Our risk assessment conclusions and risk management recommendations
The defined scope of assessment may be generated as:
This chemical has been assessed
In this case, you
Note: If a chemical is confirmed as a PLC with no health and environmental concerns at all under normal conditions after the assessment, the defined scope of assessment may be generated as:
This chemical has been assessed as a polymer that meets the criteria as a polymer of low concern that is not a high molecular weight polymer with lung overloading potential as defined in the Categorisation Guidelines.