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Have your say - proposed AICIS fees and charges for 2023-24
This consultation closed on 17 July 2023.
What this consultation is about
This consultation sought your feedback on our draft Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS), which provides information on how we will implement cost recovery for regulatory activities in 2023-24.
Key proposals in this draft CRIS:
- Reduce registration charges (levies) across all registration levels by approximately 11.7%.
- Keep fees for services at current 2022-23 rates.
The draft CRIS also includes the proposed AICIS fees and charges for 2023-24 and details about:
- how regulatory charging has been developed
- how we comply with the Government’s cost recovery policy and charging framework
- financial forecasts for 2023-24 through to 2026-27
- our ongoing commitment to appropriate charging arrangements.