During an evaluation, an assessment or when we consider applications for protection of information as confidential business information, we may consult with 'prescribed bodies'. These are generally Australian standard-setting bodies and/or state and territory risk-management agencies. They are:
- the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
- the Gene Technology Regulator
- the Health and Aged Care Department
- the Home Affairs Department
- the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- the National Transport Commission (NTC)
- Safe Work Australia (SWA)
- each body in a State or Territory that has responsibility for matters relating to protection of the environment
- each body in a State or Territory that has responsibility for matters relating to public health
- each body in a State or Territory that has responsibility for matters relating to work health and safety.
We will consult with specific bodies if we are considering recommending a change to the regulatory status of a chemical, such as
- refusing a certificate
- adding conditions to a certificate
- varying an Inventory listing
- cancelling a certificate
- removing a chemical from the Inventory
The specific body we will consult depends on the type of risk we base the recommended changes on. They are:
- risks to the environment – DCCEEW
- risks to human health related to consumer products – the ACCC
- risks to human health related to drinking water – the NHMRC
- risks to human health related to exposure via the environment – DCCEEW and the Health Department
- risks to human health related to food – FSANZ
- risks to human health related to the health of workers – SWA
- risks to human health related to public health – the Health Department
- risks to human health or the environment related to transport of an industrial chemical – the NTC
- risks to human health or the environment where there may be national security implications – the Home Affairs Department