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UVCB substance

Acronym for 'unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products or biological materials'.

A UVCB substance is legally defined in the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 as meaning any of the following:

                     (a)  a chemical of unknown or variable composition;

                     (b)  a complex product of a chemical reaction;

                     (c)  biological material, other than a whole animal or a whole plant.


More information

UVCB substance description means a description of a UVCB substance that provides specific identity information about the UVCB substance, including one or more of the following:

                             (a)  the manufacturing process for the UVCB substance;

                             (b)  raw material sources of the UVCB substance;

                             (c)  carbon number ranges for the UVCB substance;

                             (d)  physical property ranges for the UVCB substance;

                             (e)  biological sources of the UVCB substance.

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