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Removing an Inventory listing after evaluation: CAS 118-74-1
Chemical details
Benzene, hexachloro- (HCB)
CAS no. 118-74-1
Reasons for removal of Inventory listing
AICIS completed an evaluation of HCB under Part 4 of the Industrial Chemicals 2019 Act. AICIS published its final evaluation statement on 22 December 2022 following public consultation.
For the reasons set out in page 10/paragraph 3 - paragraph 5 of the evaluation statement, the Executive Director was not satisfied that the risks to the environment from the introduction or use of HCB can be managed within existing regulatory frameworks.
Therefore, the Executive Director of AICIS will remove the HCB from the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (Inventory) on 8/02/2023 under section 95 of the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019.
Published date