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Variation of Inventory listing following approval of an application (CAS Number 91845-48-6) - 18 December 2023

The Executive Director varied the terms of the Inventory listing for the following chemical on the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals in accordance with section 93 of the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019.


CAS Number91845-48-6
Chemical NameSantalum austrocaledonicum, ext.
Molecular FormulaUnspecified
Specific information requirements as varied

The Executive Director of AICIS must be advised in writing within 20 working days by the applicant or other introducers if:

  • the importation volume exceeds one tonne per annum assessed chemical;
  • the final use concentration of the assessed chemical exceeds 0.23% in leave-on cosmetic products, 1.5% in rinse-off cosmetic products, 0.41% in fine fragrances, 5% in household products and 0.1% in hairspray.
  • the function or use of the chemical has changed from a fragrance ingredient, or is likely to change significantly;
  • the chemical has begun to be manufactured in Australia; and
  • additional information has become available to the person as to an adverse effect of the chemical on human health, or the environment.

The Executive Director will then decide whether an evaluation of the introduction is required.

Reason the listing variedThe chemical has been previously assessed (LTD/2142) and is listed on the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (the Inventory). An introducer applied to vary the specific requirements to provide information to increase the allowable end use concentration in various cosmetic and household products from 0.1% to up to 5%. The Executive Director approved the application.
The listing varied on14 December 2023
Published date
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