Choose from 5 options:
Guide to completing the ‘Report type’ section of the pre-introduction report for ‘highest indicative risk is low risk and the other types do not apply’ in AICIS Business Services.
You, or someone else, must provide the chemical's CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name.
Select Yes if you can provide the chemical's CAS name, IUPAC name, or INCI name.
Select No if someone else – such as your supplier or manufacturer – is going to provide the CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name.
Click Business look up and enter the AICIS business ID of your chemical data provider (starting with NIC) followed by the first and last name of your chemical data provider’s contact person. We will then email the contact person and ask them to provide this information directly to us.
If you don’t know the contact person’s name or AICIS business ID details, you must contact your chemical data provider as we cannot give you this information.