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Introductions of 10 kg or less - chemical identity

Guidance on completing the ‘Chemical identity’ section of the pre-introduction report for ‘introductions of 10 kg or less’ in AICIS Business Services.

Do you know the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number of the industrial chemical?  

Select Yes if you can provide the chemical’s CAS registry number (CAS number). You will then need to enter the CAS number and its CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name. You will also need to enter any other names you use to refer to your chemical. 

Select No if you don’t know the CAS registry number or select CAS No. is 'not assigned' if your chemical does not have an assigned CAS number. We accept the CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name of the industrial chemical.

If you know the CAS or IUPAC name of your chemical, you will need to enter these, and any other names that you use to refer to the chemical. 

If you don't know the CAS or IUPAC name for the chemical, we accept an INCI name. You will need to enter the INCI name and then you can also enter any other names that you use to refer to the chemical

If you don’t know the CAS number, CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name of your chemical, you must provide any other name that you use to refer to the chemical and the name of the person or business of who you believe, on reasonable grounds would give the CAS number (if assigned), and the CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name of the chemical, if requested by the introducer, following a request from the Executive Director. You also need to indicate why you believe that the person or business that you nominate would provide this information. For example, you may hold email correspondence from the supplier or manufacturer of the chemical indicating that they would supply this information to AICIS, if requested. 

An introducer is taken to know the CAS number, CAS name, IUPAC name, or INCI name if it would be reasonably practicable for them to find out that number/name.

This means introducers must proactively try to find this information, including checking for it with their chemical supplier.  

What do we mean by ‘any other name that you use to refer to the industrial chemical’? 

Other name could be a trade name, marketing name, generic name, or common name. If you know the CAS name or IUPAC name, your other name could be the INCI name.

What do we mean by ‘the name that you use to refer to the industrial chemical’? 

If you don’t know the CAS number, CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name of your chemical, you must provide the name that you use to refer to the industrial chemical. This could be the trade name, marketing name, generic name or common name.

Next: Hazard and exposure

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