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Outcome 1 - Risk reduction

Decorative image only

Strengthened national capacity for industrial chemical risk reduction.


  • Undertake evaluations that are proportionate to the risk from the introduction of an industrial chemical 
  • Protect human health and the environment by providing information and risk management recommendations for uptake by:
    • Commonwealth, state and territory regulators
    • industry
    • community.


Ongoing post-market evaluation of industrial chemicals helps to reduce the risk posed by the introduction and use of industrial chemicals. It ensures industry, risk managers and the community have access to up-to-date information on the hazards and risks of industrial chemicals as well as our risk management recommendations. We will:

  • evaluate prioritised industrial chemicals using a range of information about hazard characteristics and potential exposure to humans and the environment
  • make risk management recommendations for uptake by: 
    • Commonwealth, state and territory regulators
    • industry 
    • community
  • be transparent about our progress 
  • continue to build our scientific capability so we produce high-quality risk assessments. We’ll achieve this through staff training and engaging with stakeholders. 

We will provide transparent and scientific evidence-based information to help the public and industry make informed choices around chemical safety. We will share information with risk managers in a timely way to support regulatory decision making, such as setting risk management standards. This will increase confidence and trust in Australia’s industrial chemicals regulatory system. 

Next: Targeting evaluations

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