Choose from 5 options:
Guide to completing the ‘Related to introduction’ section of the pre-introduction report for ‘highest indicative risk is low risk and the other types do not apply’ in AICIS Business Services.
Note: ‘Both import and manufacture’ does not include the scenario where a chemical is imported then reformulated/used in Australia to make a mixture or product. In this scenario select ‘import’.
Select the range that is the maximum total volume of the chemical that you will introduce into Australia during a registration year:
Select all the end use(s) of your chemical from a picklist in the form. This is the same list of options that you may have used to calculate the environment categorisation volume (Step 5.3 from Categorisation Guide) and is also shown below.
Example: If you are introducing a chemical for an end use in cosmetics, the picklist option you need to select “Personal care products not covered by other end uses”, unless your chemical will only be used in products with limited environmental release (for example, nail polish).
Adhesive and sealant products means an end use to fasten other materials together or stop the passage of liquid or gas. Examples include:
Apparel and footwear care products means an end use to care for apparel and footwear products intended for consumer and commercial use. Examples include:
Arts, crafts and hobby products means an end use in arts, crafts or hobbies. Examples include:
Explosive products means an end use for producing a sudden expansion, usually accompanied by production of heat and large changes in pressure. Examples include:
Fuel, oil, fuel oil additives and related products means an end use as:
Examples of liquid fuels include:
Examples of fuel oil additives include:
Lubricant and grease products means an end use in a liquid, paste or spray to reduce friction, heat generation and wear between solid surfaces. Examples include:
Personal care products – limited environmental release means an end use in solid or hardening personal care products (including cosmetics) that are primarily disposed of to landfill. Examples include:
Tattoo ink products means an end use in a combination of industrial chemicals that contains one or more colouring agents and is applied to the dermal layer of the skin for the purposes of colouring the skin. Examples include:
Paint and coating products means an end use to paint or coat substrates intended for consumer or commercial use. Examples include:
Plastic and polymer products means an end use in production of plastics or polymers. Examples include:
Construction products not covered by other end uses means an end use in construction materials, except where another scenario covers the end use. Examples include:
Fabric, textile and leather products not covered by other end uses means an end use to impart colour and other desirable properties onto fabric, textiles, and leather products that are intended for consumer or commercial use.
These properties include:
Examples of this type of product include:
Electronic products means an end use in the production of electronic components. Examples include:
Ink, toner and colourant products means an end use for:
Examples of this type of product include:
This category does not include pigments and colourants added to paints and coatings.
Air care products means an end use to odorise or deodorise indoor air in homes, offices, motor vehicles, and enclosed spaces and intended for consumer or commercial use. Examples include:
Anti-freeze and de-icing products means an end use:
Examples of this type of product include:
Automotive care products means an end use (intended for consumer or commercial use) to clean and care for exterior and interior surfaces of automotive vehicles. Examples include:
Cleaning and furniture care products means an end use (intended for consumer or commercial use) to:
Examples include:
Laundry and dishwashing products means an end use in liquid, granular, gel or unit dose packets/tablets to:
Examples include:
Extractive products not covered by other end uses means an end use in:
These scenarios do not include end use in offshore drilling. This end use is a designated kind of release into the environment (for which you do not calculate an ECV).
Paper products means an end use in paper production. Examples include:
Personal care products not covered by other end uses means an end use for cosmetic use, except those covered under the “personal care products - limited environmental release end use” scenario. Examples include:
Photographic products means an end use (for consumer or commercial use) to take photographic images, develop and process film, and make photographic prints. Examples include:
Water treatment products means an end use to treat water in cooling and heating systems (including industrial heat-exchanger systems) and potable water supplies. Examples include:
This scenario does not include end uses to treat municipal water supplies or other large-scale water supplies for human or animal consumption or irrigation. These end uses involve a designated kind of release into the environment.
You must specify the end use of the chemical for each product type(s) that you selected in the question above.
Example: Company XYZ wants to introduce a chemical for use in laundry detergent, shampoo and hand soap. In their pre-introduction report, they select both “Personal care products not covered by other end uses” and “Laundry and dishwashing products” from the end uses picklist. For this question they specify that the chemical will have end uses in “laundry detergent, shampoo and hand soap”.
‘Specified class’ refers to introductions that we consider to be of higher concern to human health or the environment because of greater potential for particular hazards or exposure.
Select ‘Yes‘ if any of the following applies to the introduction of your chemical:
Specified classes of introductions have additional or different requirements relating to hazard information, reporting or record keeping.
Some ‘specified classes of introduction’ cannot be in the reported category. You must use our categorisation guide and extra resources to work out whether your specified class of introduction can be categorised as reported. If you’re still unsure whether your specified class of introduction can be ‘reported’, contact us.
Example: Chemicals R Us Pty Ltd plan to import a chemical that contains a sequence of 4 to 20 fully fluorinated carbon atoms. The highest indicative risk for this introduction is medium to high risk, therefore it does not meet the criteria to be a reported introduction.
A designated kind of release into the environment means:
Release of household wastewater (including from use of cosmetics) into waterways or the sewage system is not a ‘designated kind of release into the environment’.
If you select ‘Yes’ you must select 1 statement that applies to your introduction relating to the use of animal test data.
Option 1 – I did NOT use animal test data from tests conducted on or after 1 July 2020 to determine the highest indicative risk for the chemical.
Select this option if either of these apply.
Option 2 – I will introduce the chemical for an end use solely in cosmetics AND I used animal test data from tests conducted on or after 1 July 2020 to determine the highest indicative risk for the chemical in the circumstances mentioned in the General Rules Section 34.
Select this option if all of the following apply.
Option 3: I will introduce the chemical for multiple end uses (including an end use in cosmetics) AND I used animal test data from tests conducted on or after 1 July 2020 to determine the highest indicative risk for the chemical. This animal test data is of a kind mentioned in the General Rules Section 31.
Select this option if all of the following apply.
See: Animal test data - when it can and can’t be used and when you need pre-approval