Choose from 5 options:
Extra information to help categorise the importation and manufacture of chemicals involving designated kinds of release into the environment.
Have you checked if your chemical is on our Inventory? If your chemical is on our Inventory and your introduction meets any terms of the Inventory listing, it is categorised as a ‘listed’ introduction. Learn more about listed introductions.
Importers and manufacturers of industrial chemicals (and products that are designed to release industrial chemicals) who are working out if their introduction will be categorised as exempted, reported or assessed. You should read this information before the chemical is introduced in Australia together with our guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture.
Firefighting chemicals are used to extinguish or reduce the intensity and slow the spread of a fire.
Examples include:
Chemicals with an end use in firefighting are often directly released to the environment as part of their normal use. They can be directly applied to soil when fighting bushfires or released to surface waters via storm water drains when fighting fires in urban or industrial areas. Gases used in firefighting products are directly released to the atmosphere.
The way in which chemicals with an end use in firefighting are used can mean their release to the environment is not controlled. As a result, any chemical with an end use in firefighting has a designated kind of release into the environment.
Your introduction is a ‘specified class of introduction’ if it has an end use in firefighting.
You must work out if your introduction meets the criteria for the exempted or reported categories by going through steps 1–6 of our guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture. If your introduction does not meet the criteria for the exempted or reported category, it will be an assessed introduction (unless you meet the criteria for a commercial evaluation authorisation).
The additional or different requirements to be aware of when working out your category of introduction are at:
If your introduction is categorised as reported, you will need to do the following when you submit your pre-introduction report:
If your introduction is categorised as assessed, you will need to do the following when applying for an assessment certificate:
If you worked out your introduction category is exempted or reported by following steps 4–6 of our categorisation steps, and
then you must keep the following records:
For all other record-keeping requirements that apply to your chemical introduction, see our guidance on reporting and record-keeping obligations.