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Step 5.3 Work out your environment exposure band

There are 4 environment exposure bands - exposure band 1 has the lowest level of environmental exposure and exposure band 4 the highest level. Follow steps on this page to work out your environment exposure band.

Why you need to work out your introduction's exposure band

It is part of the process to identify the indicative environment risk of your introduction. In step 4, you also had to work out your introduction's human health exposure band.

What does an environment exposure band identify about your introduction?

It identifies the likelihood and extent of environmental exposure to the chemical.  This likelihood and extent of exposure increases with each band. Exposure band 1 is the lowest exposure band, and exposure band 4 the highest. Introductions in environment exposure band 1 will have the lowest level of environmental exposure, and exposure band 4, the highest.

Information used to assign a chemical to its correct exposure band

Environment categorisation volume

Use this guidance to help you calculate this.

If your chemical has a designated kind of release into the environment

We define 'designated kind of release into the environment' (which we refer to throughout this page) to be where the chemical is intentionally released during use to land, biota, natural waterways, municipal water supplies or air (unless its only for domestic or personal use, or end use in an air freshener). It also includes any releases to the environment from firefighting end uses and releases into the ocean.

See also:

What's your environment exposure band?

Start with Exposure Band 1 and work down the page.

Introductions with a designated kind of release into the environmentif you're introducing one of these you are automatically in exposure band 4 for the environment. If this is your introduction type, go to Step 5.4: Work out your environment hazard characteristics.

Exposure band 1 criteria

If the environment categorisation volume for your chemical does not exceed 25kg, then your introduction is in environment exposure band 1. Next, work out the environment hazard characteristics of your introduction (Step 5.4)

If your introduction does not meet this criteria, go to exposure band 2 criteria.

Exposure band 2 criteria

If the environment categorisation volume for your chemical is greater than 25kg, but no more than 1,000kg, then your introduction is in environment exposure band 2. Next, work out the environment hazard characteristics of your introduction (Step 5.4)

If your introduction does not meet this criteria, go to exposure band 3 criteria.

Exposure band 3 criteria

If the environment categorisation volume for your chemical is greater than 1,000kg, but no more than 10,000kg, then your introduction is in environment exposure band 3. Next, work out the environment hazard characteristics of your introduction (Step 5.4).

If you are not in exposure bands 1-3 for the environment, go to exposure band 4 criteria.

Exposure band 4 criteria

Introductions with a designated kind of release into the environment: if you're introducing one of these you are in exposure band 4 for the environment. Next, go to Step 5.4: Work out your environment hazard characteristics.

The environment categorisation volume of your introduction is greater than 10,000kg. Go to Step 5.4: Work out your environment hazard characteristics.

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