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In accordance with the AGCRPs, stakeholder feedback was sought in the Fees and Charges 2024-25 , which provided information on:
AICIS engaged with peak industry associations in December 2023 on the changes to the AICIS charging arrangements for 2024-25. The engagement session was intended to seek input and recommendations from industry representatives as well as communicating the rational for the charging outcomes proposed by AICIS.
Industry associations were generally supportive of AICIS revising the levy introduction value thresholds for each registration level but raised concerns around potential increases to charges for top tier. It was understood that AICIS is continuing to mature it’s data availability and charges will continue to be monitored in future years. This feedback was carefully considered by AICIS through the refinement and validation phase of the 2024-25 CRIS development.
AICIS published a public consultation paper on its website April 2024 for a period of 6 weeks as part of an open invitation for stakeholders to provide feedback on the proposed fees and charges for 2024-25. The public consultation was intended to obtain broader input from individuals and / or groups, on both how fee and levy charging was intended to occur in 2024-25 and the resultant pricing outcomes. Responses have informed the final proposal to Government for consideration and decision.
A total of four (4) submissions were received from one (1) introducer and three (3) Industry Associations. All submissions broadly supported the proposed fees and charges with the exception of one submission, which did not support an increase to the levy for level 8 introducers (those with an introduction value of $15M or greater). A detailed summary of the feedback received, along with the response provided by AICIS is summarised in Appendix A.