Choose from 5 options:
Once you’ve worked out that your introduction is in the listed category, go through A – E on this page to learn about your obligations.
You must register your business with us and keep records to prove that you are registered at the correct level.
Once you have completed your registration, you can start manufacturing or importing your chemical.
You must keep records about the chemicals that you import or manufacture (introduce) under the listed category.
You must submit an annual declaration at the end of each registration year (from August). Select ‘Listed introduction’ in your declaration form.
Your chemical introduction will remain a listed introduction as long as:
Important – if the circumstances of your introduction change, make sure you check that the introduction of your chemical is within the terms of Inventory listing.
If the circumstances of your introduction change, work through step 0 again to make sure your introduction is still a listed introduction. If the Inventory listing has a specific information requirement, use our guide to work out if you must submit information on AICIS Business Services.
Introducers must report hazard information that they became aware of since the most recent publication of an AICIS assessment or evaluation statement on the chemical.
If a person who has introduced a chemical within the previous 12 months becomes aware of information about a new or increased hazard to human health or the environment from the introduction or use of a chemical, then they must report this to AICIS within 20 days of becoming aware of the information.
You must provide information about: