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Records to prove that you are registered at the correct level
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Records you must keep
You must keep records about the value of industrial chemicals that you imported and manufactured during the registration year. Our registration year is 1 September – 31 August.
Examples of records you must keep are commercial documents such as:
- invoices
- purchase orders
- receipts
- import declarations
- other documents that identify products containing industrial chemicals and the value of those industrial chemicals
Why you must keep records
If you’re an industrial chemical importer or manufacturer, you are legally required to register your business at the correct registration level. Therefore you must keep these records to prove that you are registered at the correct level and paying the correct registration fees and charges.
Your registration level (and the corresponding fee and charge) is based on the value of industrial chemicals that are imported or manufactured in the previous financial year. It is not based on your sales or profit figures. Learn more: How much is my registration fee?
We may ask for your records
You must keep these records for 5 years (even after you’ve stopped introducing the chemicals) and provide them within 20 working days, if we ask for them.
The 5-year period begins immediately after the end of the registration year.
Other record-keeping and reporting obligations
All introducers must submit an annual declaration after the end of each registration year.
You must also keep certain records about each chemical that you’ve introduced. The amount and type of records you need to keep vary depending on the introduction category.
For the reported, assessed and commercial evaluation categories, you must also submit a report or an application to us before you can introduce the chemical.
Learn more about your reporting and record-keeping obligations for: