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Apply for protection of CBI - internationally assessed reported introductions

How to apply to protect your chemical's name and/or end use in your pre-introduction report if you are using an international risk assessment.

This guidance applies to confidential business information (CBI) applications for chemical name or specific end use in relation to a pre-introduction report for the type 'internationally assessed'. 

Who can apply

Protection of chemical name

You can apply if you are the introducer submitting the PIR (and you know the proper chemical name), or you are the nominated chemical data provider for the PIR.

In the PIR you must have selected 'Yes' to the question in your pre-introduction report about claiming protection of the chemical's proper name. 

Protection of end use

You can apply if you are the introducer submitting the PIR.

In the PIR you must have selected 'Yes' to the question in your pre-introduction report about claiming protection of the chemical's end use.

Read our guidance on the statutory test for CBI applications to see if you meet the test

When you can apply

You can apply either while your pre-introduction report is still in draft, or after you have submitted it.

However you must submit your CBI application before you introduce the chemical. This is because your pre-introduction report is deemed incomplete until you have submitted your CBI application.

If you've told us that you wish to claim protection of the chemical name and/or end use in your pre-introduction report, do not introduce the chemical until you have submitted your CBI application.

How to apply in AICIS Business Services

In AICIS Business Services, click on 'Apply for CBI' and select the relevant type of pre-introduction report for the question 'What does your application for CBI relate to?':

  • Pre-introduction report – internationally assessed (human health and environment)
  • Pre-introduction report – internationally assessed (human health)
  • Pre-introduction report – internationally assessed (environment)

In 'Select what you are applying for', pick one of the following:

  • Protection of chemical name
  • Protection of end use

Note: you must submit 2 separate applications if you wish to protect both chemical name and specific end use.

Next, enter your PIR submission number (eg PIR789).

If you are applying for protection of chemical name

  1. Tell us the chemical name.
  2. Suggest an AICIS Approved Chemical Name (AACN) that we will publish instead of the proper name. You must justify your AACN if you want higher than one level of masking – follow our guidance on AACNs and levels of masking.
  3. Provide evidence that your claim meets our statutory test.

If you are applying for protection of end use

  1. Describe the specific end use for the chemical that you wish to protect.
  2. Propose a generalised end use by following our guidance.
  3. Provide evidence that your claim meets our statutory test.

After you submit your application

We'll contact you if we need more information and again when we have processed your application. You'll be able to track and view the outcome of your application through AICIS Business Services

If we approve your application for protection of chemical name, and if we decide to publish details about the internationally-assessed introduction, we will publish an AACN. If we approve it for end use, we will publish a generalised end use instead of the specific end use - again, if we have decided to publish details about the internationally-assessed introduction.

If we reject your application, you can request a review.


Fee type Fee
Apply to protect the chemical name as confidential business information Go to fees
Apply to protect the end use as confidential business information Go to fees
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