Choose from 5 options:
Edit your address or trading name, add a new user and more.
You can nominate the people who can access our services on your behalf through AICIS Business Services.
Step 1: Log in to your AICIS Business Services account with your user name and password. Click on the ‘Registration’ tab, then click on ‘Business details’.
Step 2: Click on any of the ‘edit’ buttons to edit the information in that section, such as your business address, postal address or trading name. Note: you will not be able to edit your Business ID, ABN, ACN or ARBN.
Step 3: On the edit screen, enter the information you wish to change, then click ‘save’.
Step 4: To edit information about a user, click on the ‘Users’ tab.
Step 5: You can edit information about an existing user - including their access role - by clicking on the ‘Details’ button.
Step 6: You can add a new person to this section by clicking on the ‘Add new user’ button. Once you’ve entered their details, click on ‘Save’. You will then be asked to allocate an access role (Business Administrator/Business User) and contact type (Technical/General) for this user.
Step 7: Once you’re done editing, click on ‘Save’
Contact us to ask a question, request information or give feedback.