Choose from 5 options:
Businesses can apply for an AICIS approved chemical name (AACN) to protect the chemical name as confidential business information. They can also apply to use a generalised end use instead of a specific end use.
years maximum validity (can reapply)
in AICIS Business Services
in AICIS Business Services
Introducers and chemical data providers (including foreign entities) can apply when submitting applications or reports such as:
Apply online in AICIS Business Services
We have detailed guidance on our AACN and generalised end use pages including what information you need to tell us when proposing an AACN or generalised end use.
Follow our guidance on how to apply for an AACN
Follow our guidance on how to apply for protection of end use
You must also meet a statutory test that we apply where we weigh up commercial and public interest.
Follow our guidance on the statutory test
Description | Fee $(AUD) (GST does not apply) |
Apply to protect the chemical name as confidential business information | Go to our fees and charges page. |
Apply to protect the end use as confidential business information | |
Apply to protect information (other than the proper name or end use) as confidential business information | |
Apply to protect flagged information (other than the proper name or end use) as confidential business information |
We'll contact you if we need more information and again when we have processed your application. You'll be able to track and view the outcome of your application online through AICIS Business Services.
If we approve CBI it becomes ‘protected information’.
This means if you applied for protection of your chemical’s:
If you applied for an AACN and we reject your application, we’ll tell you of our intention to publish the full chemical name.
If you applied for a generalised end use and we reject your application, we’ll tell you of our intention publish the specific end use of your chemical.
If you do not agree with our decision, you may ask us to reconsider. You must make your request in writing to the Executive Director within 20 working days. You must outline reasons for requesting the reconsideration and you can attach supporting information.
If you are disagree with the outcome of our reconsideration, you can ask for a federal government review.
It’s valid for 5 years unless we decide it’s necessary to publish information earlier.
Otherwise, after the 5 years, you can apply to continue your CBI protection.