Also known as a Post-Introduction Declaration. For some types of exempted introductions, you must submit a once-off post-introduction declaration. This is on top of your usual annual declaration obligations.
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Do you need to submit a post-introduction declaration?
If you worked out that your introduction is in the 'exempted' category and you manufacture or import the chemical for the first time during the AICIS registration year (1 September and 31 August), then you must submit a post-introduction declaration (PID) if that chemical is one of these:
polymer of low concern
low-concern biological polymer
chemical categorised as very low risk for human health and the environment.
If you introduced more than one of these chemicals for the first time, you must submit a separate PID for each chemical.
Although these chemical introductions are categorised as exempted, we still need to know about them. It helps us to target our audits and reassures our community stakeholders that you can demonstrate that these chemical introductions are very low risk.
When you must submit a post-introduction declaration for exempted introductions
Your post-introduction declaration covers the period 1 September – 31 August of the previous registration year. You must submit your PID by 30 November.
The deadline to submit your PID for these types of exempted introductions is 30 November after the end of our registration year.
Important information:
You must submit a separate post-introduction declaration for each chemical introduction categorised as very low risk for human health and the environment that you introduce in a registration year.
You must submit a separate post-introduction declaration for the total number of PLCs that you introduce in a registration year and a separate declaration for the number of low-concern biopolymers that you introduce in a registration year.
This only applies the first time that you introduce these chemicals. After that, you will no longer need to submit another PID for the same chemical introductions.
Post-introduction declarations for exempted introductions are separate to your annual declaration obligations. We have further guidance on annual declarations for all introducers.
Video: When to submit a post-introduction declaration
A Post Introduction Declaration, or PID, is a declaration you make after you categorise your introduction as one of these: polymers of low concern, low-concern biological polymers, and chemicals that are categorised as very low risk for human health and the environment.
You can work out if your chemical is one of these three types by going through the steps in our online categorisation guide.
The guide will help you understand which introduction category applies to the chemical you want to import or manufacture.
You need to submit a PID after you import or manufacture the chemical for the first time, not beforehand.
And importantly, you need to submit a separate PID for each of the three types.
Here's an example. Let’s say you’ve introduced two different chemicals that require a PID in a registration year.
One that you’ve categorised as ‘highest indicative risk is very low risk’ and another that’s categorised as a ‘low-concern biopolymer’.
You’ll need to submit two separate PIDs, one for each type.
Here’s another bit of important information. If you’ve introduced more than one chemical in a registration year that’s categorised as highest indicative risk is very low, you must a submit a PID for each of those chemicals.
The deadline for submitting a PID is the 30th of November after the end of the previous AICIS registration year.
To submit a PID, log into the AICIS Business Services portal. We have step-by-step instructions on how to do this on our website.
Who must submit a post-introduction declaration for exempted introductions
The following people can submit the PID:
the registered importer or manufacturer who introduced the chemicals; or
their agent or consultant
How to submit a post-introduction declaration for exempted introductions
Step 1: Log on to the AICIS Business Services online portal using your username and password.
Step 2: On the home page, go to the ‘Post-Introduction Declaration (PID)’ tile and click ‘View your PID portfolios’.
Step 3: If you are creating PIDs for the first time, click ‘Create a PID portfolio’. You can also nominate an agent or consultant to submit the PID for you.
Note: If you have an existing PID portfolio, go to Step 4. You can click on each Portfolio ID number to view the PID Portfolio information.
Step 4: Click ‘PID dashboard’ next to the relevant portfolio in the Actions column. If you don't see the 'PID dashboard' button, click the (+) symbol next to the portfolio's name.
Step 5: For new PIDs, click ‘Create a new post-introduction declaration’.
Note: If you have created PIDs previously, go to Step 8 to submit your PID.
Step 6: Select the relevant registration year and the type of introduction that you are declaring from the drop-down boxes. Complete any other required information and click 'save'.
Important: You only need to submit a PID if you're introducing polymers of low concern, low-concern biopolymers or chemicals that you have categorised as very low risk for human health and the environment.
Step 7: Continue to work your way through each section of the PID.
Important information:
If you’re introducing polymers of low concern
You must know the total number of different polymers that you’re introducing. You only need to submit one PID regardless of how many new polymers of low concern you introduced in a registration year.
If you’re introducing low-concern biopolymers
You must include the total number of different polymers that you’re introducing. You only need to submit one PID regardless of how many new low-concern biopolymers you introduced in a registration year.
If you’re introducing chemicals that you’ve categorised as very low risk for human health and the environment
You must submit a separate post-introduction declaration for each new chemical you have introduced in a registration year. You may need the following information:
The name of the industrial chemical. For example, the marketing name, trade name or name that you use to refer to the chemical.
The chemical’s CAS name, IUPAC name. Alternatively, if you select that you do not know the CAS name or IUPAC name, you will be asked if you can provide an INCI name (depending on the exposure band) or eligible plant extract name.
an INCI name can be provided if i) the human health exposure band for the introduction is 1 or 2 and ii) the environment exposure band for the introduction is 1.
an eligible INCI plant extract name can be provided if either i) the human health exposure band for the introduction is 3 or 4 or ii) the environment exposure band for the introduction is 2,3 or 4.
Otherwise: if the total volume of chemical that you introduced in the registration year is:
10 kg or less, you’ll need a record of:
name that you know the chemical by
name of the person or business who you believe (on reasonable grounds) would give the CAS number (if assigned), and the CAS name, IUPAC name or INCI name of the chemical to AICIS, if requested by the introducer, following a request from the Executive Director.
why you believe the person or business would supply this information. For example, this could be information in an email from the chemical identity holder or minutes of a meeting.
more than 10 kg, you’ll need a record of:
name that you know the chemical by
name of the person (or business) who knows the CAS name, IUPAC name or eligible INCI plant extract name for the chemical. You’ll need to click Business look up and enter the AICIS business ID of your chemical data provider (starting with NIC) followed by the first and last name of your chemical data provider’s contact person. We will then email the contact person and ask them to provide this information directly to us.
the total volume introduced, end use and maximum concentration for the chemical at end use
if the end use is in cosmetics, a statement about the use of animal test data to determine the highest indicative risk for the introduction
Step 8: Complete the declaration and check the declaration box. From here, you can either:
click 'save' to create a draft PID; or
click 'submit' to finalise your PID
You can view all of your post-introduction declarations in the AICIS Business Services online portal.
At the end of every registration year, you need to submit an online 'annual declaration' to confirm that your chemical introductions were authorised under the law.