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You must keep certain records for introductions of low-concern biological polymers, which you’ve categorised as exempted. You must provide these records within 20 working days if we ask for them.
Before you read this page’s content, make sure you’ve already read and understood information on our record-keeping overview page.
The type of records you must keep for low concern biological polymers depends on whether you know the CAS number, CAS name, IUPAC name or eligible INCI plant extract name.
An introducer is taken to know the CAS number, CAS name, IUPAC name, or eligible INCI plant extract name if it would be reasonably practicable for them to find out that number/name.
This means introducers must proactively try to find this information, including checking for it with their chemical supplier.
You must have records to demonstrate that your polymer meets the low concern biological polymer criteria – see checkboxes below.
You must have records showing all 3 below:
See our definition of a polymer.
The number average molecular weight (NAMW) of your polymer is greater than or equal to 10,000 g/mol and your polymer has:
We’ll accept a GPC analysis report.
The NAMW of your polymer is greater than or equal to 1,000 g/mol and less than 10,000 g/mol and your polymer has:
We’ll accept a GPC analysis report and associated calculations.
You will also need the following records:
your chemical isn’t listed on the Inventory with conditions of introduction or use that will be contravened
We'll accept a signed and dated declaration that these checks took place.
*unless it is introduced solely for use in research or analysis and the amount that you introduce in a registration year does not exceed 100kg.
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